
amaxa nucleofector电转缓冲液

amaxa nucleofector电转缓冲液是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理amaxa nucleofector电转缓冲液

商家询价 北京泽平科技有限责任公司


Guaranteed virus production yields equivalent to R&D grade PEIpro. Manufactured according to a well-established process. Fully characterized product with extensive Quality Controls. Supplied with a

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司

Lipofectamine MessengerMAX Transfection Reagent

Lipofectamine MessengerMAX mRNA Transfection Reagent delivers amazing transfection efficiency in neurons and a broad-spectrum of primary cells, enabling improved application outcomes and more biologic

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司



商家询价 北京泽平科技有限责任公司


Highly efficient: reach maximal gene expression in hard-to-transfect cells. Cost-effective: use minimum reagent volume and DNA quantity. Biologically relevant: keep an excellent cell viability & mor

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司

GT707 纳米转染试剂


商家询价 深圳市伟通生物公司

jetMESSENGER transfection reagent

Unmatched transfection efficiency. High efficiency on a wide variety of difficult to transfect cells. Outperform DNA transfection by switching to mRNA. Extremely gentle on cells. No risk of genome

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司

jetPRIME transfection reagent

High DNA transfection efficiency. Low amounts of nucleic acid. Superior cell viability. ONE reagent for DNA and/or siRNA transfections. Cost-effective.

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司